Na severozápadě Rumunska se nachází u maďarských hranic město Oradea, česky nazývané Velký Varaždín. Nachází se 830 km od Prahy, což odpovídá vzdálenosti nejbližšího moře v severním Chorvatsku. Na přelomu července a srpna se letos v Oradeji konalo Mistrovství Evropy mládeže v rapidu a bleskovém šachu. Zúčastnili se ho i dva členové našeho oddílu Tobiáš a Sophia Olivia Dayovi. Mezi převážně východoevropskou konkurencí se rozhodně neztratili, když mnoho nechybělo a Tobiáš atakoval stupně vítězů.
Tobiáš Day – blesk B10 – 4. místo 7/9 – perfo 1616, rapid B10 – 7. místo 6/9 – perfo 1590
Sophia Olivia Day – blesk F10 – 24. místo 4/9, rapid F08 – 10. místo 4/9

Podrobnou reportáž z výpravy zaslal přímo její účastník Timothy Day a můžete si ji přečíst v jeho rodné angličtině:
We traveled to Oradea, Romania as a part of our summer holiday so Toby could have the experience of playing boys his age from Russia, Belarus, and other eastern European countries. While we would prefer Toby to play in a long game tournament we didn’t really have that much time available to us, plus, we wanted to include a tournament Sophia could play girls her age too. Toby already attended the Klatovy Open and he will also play in the Ricany open toward the end of the summer, so we decided to travel through Slovakia, Romania and Hungary with our family and include the European Youth chess championship.
The tournament was very well organised, the venue or the rooms where the children played chess, were separated by age group and gender, which allowed smaller rooms and smaller group sizes, which gave the children a quieter atmosphere to concentrate and focus on chess in; and the theater for the final ceremony was majestic.
Toby placed 7th in rapid and played well, receiving 6 of 9 points, he really only made one small mistake that cost him a game/point; the top 3-4 players from Belarus and Russia were very strong and their ELOs are definitely and understatement to their skills. In blitz he did really well, receiving 7 of 9 points – he normally doesn’t get a chance to play blitz tournaments, since he focuses on long games, so it was quite fun for him. One of the games in blitz that he lost was with the boy he won the entire blitz tournament.
Sophia played in the girls under 8 tournament and she was one year younger than all of the participants except for one other girl. Considering this, she surprised us and received 4 points out of 9.
Naše vojska postoupila na všech frontách!
Mimochodem na opačném konci věkového spektra získal Jirka Fišer (jako 10. nasazený)bronzovou medaili na MČR nad 70 let (3. ze 76, +31,4 ELO). O víc přišel prohrou v posledním kole…
Gratulace také Jirkovi a ještě Milošovi k 2. místu v 50tkách +4,4 ELO 🙂